Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vintage Hawaii...

In my line of work, we put in for our vacation time almost a year in advance.  Basically senority gets first pick and goes down the line from there.  I found out that I have time off coming that I didn't even remember putting in for.  Too bad, this is as close to Hawaii as I am gonna get...  I stumbled across photos my great grandmother took when she went in 1960..  Pretty kool stuff...
Right off  the plane...  My great grandmother is on the far right..

on the back of the photo it said "me with an old fashion car"  The same could be said now of that 5 or 6 year old Cadillac behind them.

Dole pinapple fields

It is so kool to see how nicely everyone dressed, even on vacation.  In present day, most folks look like the just got out of bed....  Man, was I born in the wrong era...

Stay tuned.....  more to come....